Experiment with FEAR
So in the first week of 2021, I decided to do an experiment with my fear. I cut my hair very short. I was thinking to do so for more than a year, but never got the strength to do. The first reason I usually gave to myself was that my mother loves them more than me. Of course I loved my long hair. But the real reason was my fear of not getting approved by others, being ridiculed by the family/relatives. And somewhere I also didn’t want to cut as I was thinking if my hair won’t grow after that? I had started growing my hair after 8th standard. I just did the trimming or make little short. So I finally decided to cut the hair. While I was waiting, I was tempted to give up the idea and leave the parlor. But I didn’t. Then the person who cut my hair kept asking me if I’m sure to cut my long hair that short. But I finally cut my hair.
This must be sounding silly to many. But ask me! I will say how much strength I gathered to do this. So my fear was just an imaginary fear. No one ridiculed me, no one has even that much time to give me any attention. This act also gave me access to explore my fear and strength at the same time. I now know I can go deep within myself to find answers. I have the ability to put myself in not so comfortable positions and taking risks in life. And I may love those positions and create victories.